
B’s Lunchbox will be our hot lunch service every Tuesday and Thursday. Lunches will be delivered and dispersed at school. You will need to make your orders by Sunday to receive your orders for the Tuesday and Thursday of that week.

Orders can only be made online. Make sure to add your child’s name and grade, and which day you would like the food delivered in the notes. No accommodations or payments will be made at school.

Go to the website to make your orders. For free delivery to St. Dunstan School, use the code SDSDelivery

Students, who have not signed up with the Lunch Program, ARE EXPECTED to bring their lunches with them to school each morning. In the event that a student forgets his/her lunch, parents will be allowed to deliver a lunch to the front office prior to the lunch period. This should not be a regular occurrence however, nor are lunches to be delivered to students over the fence or in the schoolyard.

The parent’s choice is either to sign up for the lunch program OR provide a lunch for the student to bring to school.

We strongly encourage that student snacks and lunches are of nutritional value. No fast food or order deliveries are allowed. Fast food in lunch pails is not allowed either.

  • Drinks in glass containers are not permitted.
  • Due to safety concerns, microwaves are not available for student use. It is also not the responsibility of the school to provide utensils to students.